as, such as meter, chemistry strip, marketing and logistics. This approach increased team member participation, buy in and empowerment.
October ●Created and published monthly team newsletter. Highlighted team achievements and team member personal milestones, including births, deaths, children’s accomplishments. ●Began biweekly team lunch series. ●Started formally acknowledging birthdays. Team members’ and significant others’ birthdays were celebrated with cards and monthly parties. ●Distributed team “goodies” to team member’s homes. Cups, kites, hot plates, pens and key rings with the team name, logo and slogan were awarded monthly.
November ●Planned and conducted monthly “information exchange” lunch sessions with team members and others in the same functional area. These meetings helped avoid “organization separation anxiety” and stimulate the search for the best solutions to problems.
December ●Hosted a team family Christmas party. The project manager played the role of Santa with gifts.
January ●Recognized monthly individual and group performance within the work breakdown structure at a luncheon awards and recognition program.
May Planned and conducted a team day at the worksite with entertainment and food for family members and guests. Began “re-entry” planning sessions. Met individually with team members to assess their needs and wants regarding their role in the home organization at project completion. Over the next three months, the leader acted on those wishes.
July Held a project completion celebration. Presented every team member with a professionally produced videotape that chronicled the project from start to finished – significant events and accomplishments and problems they had overcome. The tape included many personal interviews with team members regarding the experience and the value they experienced.
Lee R. Lambert, PMP, is a project management consultant, trainer and speaker with Lambert Consulting Group Inc., Columbus, Ohio, USA. He was involved in founding the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Program and received the Distinguished Service Award from PMI in 1995.
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