rmal workday for any individual contributor on the team was 12 – 14 hours, six to seven days per week. Yet, no one was ever asked to work overtime. Project team members knew exactly what was expected and needed, and they simply set about “getting it done” the most effective way possible.
In an intense project environment, individual contributors typically spend significantly more waking hours with their project team members than they do with their own family members. To keep morale high and ease the strain of project intensity, project leaders invested time and effort in creating and nurturing a “fun team” mentality, where the focus was consistently on getting things done together.
Innovative company-sponsored leadership activities included giveaways, a team kickoff party, frequent lunches, parties, a variety of entertainment and a “bring the family to work” day in a carnival-like atmosphere with rides, games and toys. The cost of “fun” approached $120,000, but the labor cost savings to the project – much of it attributable to these leadership-driven concepts – amounted to more than $12 million (250,000 hours of “free labor” at an average charge rate of $50/hour).
Invaluable Guidance The leadership-driv此文章共有11頁 上一頁 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 下一頁